Liposuction with Smart Lipo Gallery

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 1

12 months s/p Liposuction + liposuction of upper & lower abdomen, waitsline bra roll, axilla

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 2

3 months after Liposuction + liposuction of the upper/lower abdomen, waistline, and Mons Pubis – removed 4500 cc

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 3

6 months after Liposuction + liposuction of the upper & lower abdomen, Mons Pubis, & flanks

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 4

3 months after Liposuction + liposuction of the upper & lower abdomen, flanks, 3420 cc of fat was removed

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 5

3 months after Liposuction + liposuction of the upper & lower abdomen, Mons Pubis, flanks, bra rolls, Axilla, hips

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 6

10 months after Liposuction + liposuction of the upper & lower abdomen, Mons Pubis, flanks, & inner thighs

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 7

3 months after SmartLipo + liposuction of the upper & lower abdomen, flanks

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 8

6 months after SmartLipo + liposuction of upper & lower abdomen, flanks with fat transfer to hips

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 9

Liposuction of upper lower waist bra rolls axila. Injection of 960CC of fat left, 900CC of fat on right. After photos are 4 weeks post op.

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 10

Lipo upper lower abs, waistline, bra rolls. Injection of 630CC of fat on left, 660CC of fat on right. After photos are 2 months post op.

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 11

Liposuction upper and lower abdomen, waistline bra rolls & axilla injection of 840CC of fat on left, 920CC of fat on right. After photos are 3 months post op.

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 12

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 13

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 14

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 15

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 16

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 17

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 18

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 19

Liposuction with Smart Lipo Patient 20

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